Venus´s Bowls (Venušiny misky) - Smolny Hill (Smolný vrch)

8 km from Vidnava

Smolny Hill is a hill with small rock town on the top and the national natural monument Venus´s Bowls. Venus´s Bowls are just below the top of Smolny Hill, which rises north of the village Černá Voda in the Rychleby Mountains. The natural monument consists of interesting rock formations. The bowls have a diameter of about 1 meter and a volume of up to 500 litres. They are interesting natural creations.

The top is accessible from the road from Velká Kraš towards swimming pool and the former pioneer camp, where you can park your car. From there follow green tourist sign towards Černá Voda. Of cource, you can go the other way around. Attention, the turn to Smolny Hill can be easily overlooked.

Venus´s Bowls in legends

There are many legends about Venus´s Bowls. One of them says that Venus´s Bowls have magical powers - a women who allegedly sits in one of the rock bowls marries and becomes pregnant within a year. Another legend tells of fairy-tale nation, called Venus´s people, who allegedly live here. They suppoused to be good-natured and kind creatures a litthle bigger than dwarves, who bathe, cook and wash in rock bowls at night. They then help the lost pilgrims find the right path. The women of the people are said to be extraordinarily beautiful.

Additional Info

  • Zeměpisná šířka: 50.335014
  • Zeměpisná délka: 17.147876
Read 632 times Last modified on Wednesday, 11 August 2021 14:59